Monday, May 14, 2007

Day 1 We Can Have Some Fun

Well, Jaimee and I are going to have our first 'date' since we met last week. I am taking her to a NHL Playoff game. I am very excited about seeing her again, more so than watching my team win. Alana on the other hand, went out of town for the weekend, so she is Persona non Grata. Kind of convenient, I think..but since Alana came over last week, I am not necessarily looking forward to the next meeting. A little unfair, perhaps, or maybe I am just leaning towards Jaimee right now, because she is shiny and new, and I have yet to take her for granted. The age gap between Alana and I is pretty big, and irritates me a bit, what with the 'Two-and-a-half month Anniversary' business that teenagers do. She's 21. Ridiculous. Oh well, tonight is another step on the path to my double life..ha!

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