Monday, May 7, 2007

It Could Happen to You

Living a double life is never easy. I could never quite understand every time I read about some guy somewhere, who had a wife and three kids on one side of the country, and another wife with twins on the other. Its not that I found it comical, but I just could not relate to it. That is, until now.

Now, I wouldn't say my case is as extreme as that, but whenever feelings are involved, we all know that things can get complicated. There is not always a cut-and-dry black-and-white answer. Like most things in life, we deal in shades of gray.

So, I have created this blog, to write about my double life, whereas I would be unable to on Livejournal, MySpace or Facebook, because then the 'worlds would collide' as George Costanza would say. I will give a little history and background on my life, but have to change the names, and some of the possible identifying details to protect the guilty, namely, me. The interesting part is, this double life has not been discovered, because it is only beginning. This will be the story of how I am leading 2 women on, in an effort ( I tell myself) as to which one I will 'choose', but of course would end up without either, if the other knew.

So, let me introduce you all to the Cast of Characters that may or may not appear in this:


Age: 21
Occupation: Part-time Communications
Status : In Love


Age: 30
Occupation: Health Care/ EMT
Status: Just Met a Really Hot Guy

Shotgun Messiah

Age: 34
Occupation: Hospitality
Status: Starting a Love Triangle


Age: 12
Occupation: None
Status: Daughter of Mr. Messiah


Age: 34
Occupation: Hospitality/Devil
Status: The Former Mrs. Messiah

A few others may appear, introductions will be brief, as these are the main players in my twisted little Roman Tragedy waiting to happen.
Now, before jumping to any conclusions, realize this. I have not slept with the 2 women involved in this yet, nor do I plan to in the near future. That is not what I am about. I am looking for true happiness after almost 6 years of going through Hell. All will be explained, just not all at once. This will be my work, my passion and it will be going on in real time, as the days shall. The first 3-4 posts will be background only, but the rest should be the actual happenings in this situation.

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